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What is a diamond hand?

Diamond hands is a slang term for an investor who refrains from selling an investment (such as stock shares) despite downturns or losses. It can also refer to such an investor’s resolve or stubbornness.

What does it mean if you have diamond hands?

It's often used by investors on Reddit, Twitter, and other social media sites. If you have diamond hands, it means you're the type of investor who won't panic and sell off your holdings during big price fluctuations. The opposite of diamond hands is "paper hands," which is a term used to describe an investor who sells at the first sign of trouble.

What is diamond hands & how does it work?

Diamond hands refers to holding your position regardless of lows or highs. While the phrase originated with the cryptocurrency community it has applications in any securities context where the investor must decide whether to hold firm, bail or take advantage of falling prices to add to the position.

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